This is our collection of ACE e-Manifest frequently asked questions. To get started, click on one of the topics below, use our search, or choose from our recent or popular questions.
ACE e-Manifest FAQ Topics
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Recent FAQ Entries
- Do I need a Trip Receipt? What does it look like?
- Do my Drivers need Passports?
- Will my ACE Portal Account Close due to Inactivity?
- What is an e-Manifest Attempt?
- What documents do my drivers need to cross the border with e-Manifest?
- What Should I Use for an e-Manifest Trip Number?
- Is my driver's FAST ID or FAST Card a valid travel document?
- How long before I get logged out of the e-Manifest Portal?
- What privileges does FAST give me?
- How do I apply for FAST?
Popular FAQ Entries
- Do I need a Trip Receipt? What does it look like?
- What documents do my drivers need to cross the border with e-Manifest?
- Is my driver's FAST ID or FAST Card a valid travel document?
- How do I apply for FAST?
- Do I Need a PAPS sticker when filing an e-Manifest?
- What are my options for submitting e-Manifest?
- Do I need both a trip receipt and a 7533 manifest at an ACE Implemented Port?
- What if my driver doesn't have any of the travel documents available?
- Which US/Canada ports have ACE/e-Manifest setup?
- What is the difference between an e-Manifest and a Customs Entry filed by a Customs Broker?
- Can I file e-Manifest now?