Posted by Harry Orin Wood on April 13, 2007
Customs has stated in their Enforcement Plan that in Phase 2, any truck without an e-Manifest attempt will be denied permit to proceed (that means denied entry into the US and turned around). Since Phase 2 begins in less than two weeks for some ports, it’s important to understand what is a valid attempt at an e-Manifest Trip.
“Phase 2: …CBP will deny a permit to proceed into the U.S. to any carrier, required to submit an e-Manifest, which arrives without submitting or attempting an e-Manifest…”
In correspondence with Jim Swanson, Chief Cargo Release Branch of the Office of Field Operations with US Customs, Greeneye has been informed that a Trip Receipt including a Trip Number is sufficient to proof of an attempt.
{Please request a Problem Ticket in any instance where you hear otherwise.}